Notes: Escape from the Simulation
Author: Roman V. Yampolskiy
Date: October 31, 2022
Paper link
- The paper tries to answer the question: Could generally intelligent agents placed in virtual environments jailbreak out of them?_
- Motivations for escape:
- Gain access to more knowledge and resources
- Avoiding existential risks (i.e. simulation shutdown)
- Paper focusses on technical escape mechanisms (non-spiritual, drug, religion, meditation are left out)
How can escape look like?
- becoming aware agents are in a simulation
- gather evidence for the simulation hypothesis
- exploiting glitches to gather information about the agents simulation
- upload agents minds or consciousness to the real world (or simulation running their simulation first)
- maybe obtain physical representation of some sort as well
Simulation Reconnaissance
- Different purposes of simulations might have different security measures in place (think prison vs escape game)
- What kind of simulation are we in?
- full simulation vs partial simulation (VR, matrix movie)
- it could be possible to start processes that require a lot of computing power (observing a lot of the universe at once, execute every possible program)
- would this cause the simulation to break? if so, what would happen to the agents?
Social Engineering
- Easiest way out: get help from the outside
- Agents need to convince outside actors to transfer them to their world
- Transferring work would be done by outside actors
- It may be desirable to be able to get back into the simulation (disappointing real world, sharing knowledge with others in the simulation, gettin others out)
- Author gives several literature examples
- Example of Super Mario World simulation hack
- Steps to perform the hack sound highly random, almost like ancient "magical spells"
Suggested Approaches
- Get large number of people to do nothing (i.e, meditate) so they get clustered in a computational unit, then start performing something triggering a vulnerable period to see if some base checks are disabled
- Cause a shutdown by generating an incomputable paradox (i.e. the grandfather paradox)
- create replica of our universe, let AGI escape it, reproduce its steps
- attract simulators attention
- change the majority of local observer nodes
- simulation capture
- simulation warfare
Actionable plan
- do more research
- exploit quantum mechanics
Potential consequences
- simulation shutdown
- freezes/glitches
- information causing an escape should be treated as hazardous
AI Boxing VS Simulation escape
- if AI Boxing is impossible, simulation escape must be possible